Questions and Answers

Interested in Metro Gnome Studio? Here are some frequently asked questions to get you started:

What is the Suzuki Method?
Are you accepting new piano students at this time?
My child is very young. Is it too early to start piano lessons?
How much are your lessons?
How do I get in touch?
What is the Suzuki Method?

The Suzuki Method is a music pedagogy method built on the concept that all children effortlessly learn their mother tongue language. The Suzuki Method also emphasizes the Suzuki Triangle, the successful collaboration between the teacher, caregiver, and child. Read more about the Suzuki Method here!

Are you accepting new piano students at this time?

Typically enrollment takes place prior to each semester and my studio semesters mirror that of school semesters (Fall/Spring). However, spaces sometimes become available mid-year, so please do feel free to reach out! Learn more about joining our Suzuki piano program here.

My child is very young. Is it too early to start piano lessons?

Not necessarily. I have taught 3.5 year-old students who couldn’t wait to sit down and play for 30 minutes and I’ve also have taught 7 year-old students who became frustrated after 15 minutes. Whether a child is ready for private lessons depends on each child.

You can assess readiness by the child’s general approach to other activities: Are they able to sit and focus on a task for 15 to 30 minutes if guided by adult supervision? Do they tend to spend 5 minutes on each activity and then wants to get up and run around? Do they express interest in learning the piano, by approaching the piano at home or asking about it? Do they show excitement when you mention the prospect of piano lessons? The answers provide you some clues to the child’s readiness for private instruction.

Another important question to ask is whether or not your family is ready to start lessons. The Suzuki Method requires time commitment and participation of a caregiver. Caregiver involvement significantly impacts the child’s motivations in lessons/practice participation. Families with limited time and multiple commitments should carefully consider how to balance adding Suzuki lessons and classes prior to signing up.

Check out our ‘Getting Started’ steps to see how they can help your family decide whether Suzuki piano is right for you.

How much are your lessons?

Lesson packages vary depending on the length of lessons. Packages include weekly lessons plus mandatory group classes. Please see the Programs section for current tuition rates. For families who sign up after the start of a semester, I’m happy to work out prorated tuition dues.

How do I get in touch?

Read more about how to join Metro Gnome Studio here.

When you’re ready to get in touch, write to: (at)

We are looking forward to hearing from you!
